
Home, Mods

Hello, fellow artichokes. You’re here. But why are you here? Why are you people still here?

I loved the Tohaa community dearly, but come along, gentlemen: I haven’t published in years. And I haven’t come back to Infinity. The game looks worse off than I left it, with Fireteam: Everything, everywhere, and more of the same kinds of pricing problems and questionable productions that made my hair fall out those years ago. But since you’re still here, you might (emphatically might) find what I have been getting into, interesting. And that is to show the titan that is Wizards of the Coast, that one random nobody on the internet can do more in one day for their spaceship mechanics than what their entire staff did with a full budget and a business quarter.

Mag’s Rules for Listbuilding

Home, New Players

People say, “It’s not your list, it’s you.”  But that’s not really true.  You put yourself on the backfoot with an unfocused, undergunned, or skewed list.

This is part 1 of 2 of a brisk guide from the blog’s author (Magonus) to playing strong lists.  I have previously made a detailed guide for Tohaa players, but this guide is for general Infinity use.  Experienced players may make exceptions, but to new players, stick to the following rules for your first few dozen games.

If you’re brand new to Infinity, all the rules are available here, and the official list builder is here.  No codex required.

Mag’s Guide to Git Gud

Home, New Players

The second in a general 2-parter, this is my guide to “git gud”, as they say, at the game of Infinity.  For the past two years, I have been winning at least 4/5 of my games.  I do not play in official I.T.S. events as often as often as I should, but do play competitively, and I play regularly with some of the most competitive players in the northwest.  At this point, I am in a sunset period of Infinity where I am just playing for fun.

That said, I have not lost my sense of how I got to be the “boss battle”, as one player calls me.  I used to get manhandled by Hassassin Bahram and ISS―back in N2, when Hassassins and ISS were subpar armies.  That was pretty bad.

Here’s how sharpen yourself:

Advice for New Bloggers



By internet standards, I’m a nobody, but by wargaming blog standards―considering that Infinity isn’t the most popular wargame, and Tohaa is the least popular faction―I consider 250 daily views a good success.  As the blogroll expands, I notice more and more bloggers popping up (lots of you Yu Jing dudes), so I’d like to share tips over my years of Infinity blogging on what seems to work.


Campaigns, Home


The Tohaa heard the distress call from their allies, the humans.  Wotan, a critical gate which jumped deep into humanity’s territory, was exposed.  A Daraani corvette rushed to Wotan and beheld a great fight.  But then, the Tohaa heard a message come from the Nomads:  “Aid us or lose your ship.”

The Nomads, longtime rebels of the two greatest nations of humanity, PanOceania and Yu Jing, was the instigator of the Wotan emergency.  It was reported that the Nomads were ferrying Shasvastii.  But the commander of the Daraani corvette winced.  “We submit.  Whom would you like us to strike?”

Life Priorities


So, I have been dragging my feet on writing a big 2-part battle report from a 2-day tournament last weekend, which (spoiler) I lost (or rather, placed 2nd) because in the very last order of the very last game, I got greedy, and let my opponent beat me in Frontline while I was up 100 army points.  RIP hubris.

But something else came up this week that has forced me to reprioritize how much, or whether at all, I will continue playing Infinity and therefore blogging.