Skunkworks Project

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It’s nearing completion.  It has taken months longer than we expected, even with added help, but we are rapidly approaching the finish line.  I want to share with you a quick post teasing some of the tweaks for existing Infinity profiles, as well as the logos for a few new ones:

Given the extra time taken to develop this builder, we have had many hours to experiment with a lot of new fan units, both from our own invention, and pulled from years of brainstorming on various forums.  Most of them were ultimately rejected.  But, we hope some players who have been waiting for their factions to get updated will be happy with the creations.

There are a few tweaks we made, in accordance with the polls.  Personally, I was fine to do no tweaks, to only make a few new Tohaa things, then assemble sectorials from existing Infinity units.  However, there are many bored (or even angry) players these days, given some of the changes to Infinity.  Responses on my blog were pretty clearly in favor of “please tweak”, so here are some of the tweaks we made:

• All non-camo Heavy Infantry are -1 point. 
This minor tweak helps to make non-frenzy Heavy Infantry fireteams affordable.
• All Medium Infantry are -1 point. 
Medium Infantry are notoriously unpopular these days, so we knocked a point off their cost, for the same reason as above.
• All TAGs are -6% points cost. 
We went with a % instead of a flat -3 or –5 rate, as that scales better for low-power TAGs.  This % deduction averages to the cost of about an extra specialist and a G: Servant bot, which, while not drastic, gives TAG lists a little more breathing room.
• AutoMediKit and Regeneration work automatically. 
Similar to how Holoprojector provides a free re-Holo, AutoMediKit and Regeneration now provide a free PH roll to heal at the end of each player turn.  While perhaps still less preferable for cost than Camouflage, this makes using and fighting “biotech” models much more interesting.
• CC without CC skills cost reduced.
The official formula is inconsistent with its CC price, but it varies between 1 point per point of CC, or 1 point per 3 points of CC.  CC is notoriously unuseful on troops without Camo, Smoke, Speed, or Martial Arts, so we standardized that to 1 point per 3 points of CC.  Troops like Shang Ji (combined with the basic HI discount) are therefore less taxed.
• Knights (Military Orders) received a slight boost to CC. 
There were few or no Martial Arts skills added, but we did tip their CC up a bit above 20, to make Assault/CC a more compelling option than just shooting on BS14+.  We also patched a few mends to Knights from frequent forum suggestions, which both Military Orders and vanilla PanO may appreciate.
• Unique “character” regiments received distinct logos.
This is already the case on many Infinity logos, but we went ahead and edited the official logos to make their character versions, or other mirrored logos, stand out more to the subconscious eye:

We also standardized many other inconsistencies—such as Drop Bears costing 3 points on a Neoterra Bolt, but 1 point on everything else.  However, we corrected inconsistencies only to reduce cost bloat, not to add cost:  Locust and Minuetmen, for example, pay 4 points for Marksmanship L1, but Puppetbots cost -1 point for Marksmanship L1.  But we did not nerf Puppetbots to match the high cost of Locust.

There are also a few other surprises, which, if you’ve been one of the forum posters over the years, you may be able to guess quite a few.

Zanier ideas, from our contributors and followers, were not added to the primary website.  Yes, we did add some of your crazy stuff, but is is locked behind a password.  They may be unlocked in the army builder by anyone who knows or discovers these passwords, but we did not want many crazy new things right there in front of the normies.

Long-requested crossover factions are also appearing.  Maybe you will recognize some of these logos from your favorite games or shows?

And yes, everyone’s favorite crony capitalists will be making their comeback:


I hope everyone who has been interested finds Skunkworks delightful.  We have put a lot of work in to address the common complaints that Corvus Belli has decided to leave.  You’re gonna love this tool if you are tired of waiting for your next sectorial update.

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